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AM1101 - Osteoarthritis

Amplicore's debut on the market

Facts & Figures

  • 630 million people worldwide experience joint pain90 million patients suffering from osteoarthritis in the U.S. alone.

  • $330+ billion dollars of medical costs and earning losses in the U.S. (> 1% GDP)

  • 100% of all joint cartilage will degenerate over time

  • 60 million OA patients in the U.S. need medical help. However, currently there is no effective treatment.

Understanding OA 

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic, progressive, and debilitating joint disease commonly referred to as a ‘wear and tear’ disease associated with chronic pain and physical disability predominately in elderly people. Abnormal loading of the knee joint due to injury, excessive wear, or being overweight is also frequently associated with the progression and development of OA. Osteoarthritis is the most common musculoskeletal disease and the leading cause of disability globally, affecting approximately 37% of individuals 45 years and older. Compounded across the entire population, this highly prevalent disorder strains the capacity of our health systems.


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Due to the poor self-healing capacity of articular cartilage and the lack of specific diagnostic biomarkers, OA is a challenging disease with limited treatment options. Traditional pharmacologic therapies such as acetaminophen, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), and opioids are effective in relieving pain; however, they are incapable of reversing cartilage damage and are frequently associated with adverse events. Currently there is no effective treatment for OA, leaving the ultimate solution with total joint replacement. However, like all other surgical interventions, joint replacement is also associated with risks and complications that can impact  post-surgical mobility and long-term quality of life.


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